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Australia invests in Malaysian surf lifesaving

November 5, 2012

Foreign Minister Bob Carr yesterday, November 4, announced the Australian Government will fund surf lifesaving training to help save lives in Malaysia.

Senator Carr said the Malaysian participation is a partnership between Life Saving Society of Malaysia (LSSM) and Surf Life Saving Australia to improve water safety in Malaysia.

“700 Malaysians drown each year – making drowning the third most common cause of accidental death in Malaysia.

“More than 40 percent of drownings involve children.

“Under the program, Australian surf lifesavers will work with Malaysian swimming instructors to develop lifesaving programs.

“An initial grant of $20,000 will be provided through the Australia-Malaysia Institute of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

“This program shows Australia’s strong engagement with Malaysia at a practical level.

“A Malaysian delegation of 15 participants will travel to Australia for a three day training program covering lifesaving rescue techniques targeted at swimming pools and ocean disciplines,” Senator Carr said.

At the conclusion of the program participants will enter the Rescue 2012 World Life Saving Championships to demonstrate their skills and compete at an international level.

The Malaysian participation is part of a larger program involving representatives from 14 nations and 140 participants.

A senior Australian coach will visit Malaysia in April 2013 to assess the development of the Malaysian participants and help finalise a Malaysian lifesaving skills program.

The program will run from November 3-12, 2012 and is being held at the South Australia and Marion Aquatic Centre and at Glenelg and West Beach in Adelaide, South Australia.

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